Helping smokers discover a healthier alternative to cigarettes.
An unboxing and demonstration on how to make an e-liquid shortfill or one shot with BASE by Liquid Barn. If you’re an adult looking to make your own premium nicotine e-liquid, then this video tutorial will show you the easi...
myblu is one of the newest click style pod systems to hit the vaping market. The pods contain excellent coils that can handle more than one filling of e-liquid. In this video, I'll show you how to save money be refilling myblu pods ...
An unboxing and demonstration on the DIY Ejuice Starter Kit by Liquid Barn. If you’re an adult looking to make your own premium nicotine e-liquid, then this video tutorial will show you how to make e-liquid yourself at an affordable price.
How To Vape Videos
An unboxing, review and how to build a coil with the Coil Master DIY Kit V3.0. The Coil Master starter kit comes with several hand tools, a spool of 24g Kanthal wire, organic Japanese cotton and the 521 Mini V2 tab ohm reader.